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Event import API description


This API allows you to publish Events that will become visible on the ahead homepage. Events published in this way support

  • Multilinguality (provided your tenant is set up that way)
  • Association with one channel
  • Targeting to show relevant content to your users

Given the example payload shown below under “Example”, the card on the homepage and on the “All events page” would like this:

Event Card

While the following information would be presented to the user both in English and Spanish:

Event Page


The request’s content-type must be application/json.

The JSON must be an object with the following properties:

titleYesML-stringThe title of the event.
locationYesML-stringThe location at which the event takes place.
description-ML-stringA description that becomes part of the event page information.
startDateYesISO-8601 datetimeThe start date and time of the event
endDate-ISO-8601 datetimeOptional end date and time of the event.
authorYesobjectAn object identifying the author that should be used for this particular event.
channelId-stringchannel with which this event is associated. You get the id from the copy button in ahead’s channel administration.
targeting-objectAny targeting information to be associated with this document (See further down for the contents of this object).


The “targeting” JSON object is constructed as described on this page:

ML String

The multilanguage string is a json object where the property is a lowercase two-letter ISO language code, and the value is a string.

"en": "SAP Upgrade",
"de": "SAP Upgrade",
"es": "Actualización de SAP"

Author object

The author object must contain one of

  • the “employeeId” field. This field needs to correlate with a person’s “employeeId” value as stored in MS Entra.
  • the “userPrincipalName” (UPN). This field needs to correlate with a person’s user principal name in MS Entra.


When choosing in which languages to publish the event, please note the following:

  • The languages used must be available in the list of content languages that your tenant uses in ahead.
  • The use of languages must be consistent throughout title, location and description.

For the choice of author, it will be checked that

  • we can identify a person that can use ahead
  • that particular person has editor permissions.

For the choice of targeting, it will be checked that

  • The targeting reaches someone (i.e. somebody is targeted by that particular combination)


The following would be an example payload:

"title": { "en": "SAP Upgrade", "es": "Actualización de SAP" },
"location": { "en": "Spain", "es": "España" },
"description": {
"en": "SAP systems in Spain will be upgraded. Interruptions will be possible during that time",
"es": "Se actualizarán los sistemas SAP en España. Interrupciones serán posibles durante ese tiempo"
"startDate": "2025-01-10T10:00:00.000Z",
"endDate": "2025-01-10T15:00:00.000Z",
"author": { "userPrincipalName": "{upn-of-choice}" },
"channelId": "{your-channel-id}",
"targeting": {
"groups": ["{your-group-id}"]