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API description

This page describes everything you need to know to create external notifications in ahead.

External notifications

The external notification API allows you to send a notification to a certain user. The notification will appear under ahead’s notifications list in the upper right of the ahead web app, as well as a push notification should the user have ahead’s mobile app installed.


The basic payload of a call would looks something like this:

"userPrincipalName": "",
"employeeId": "12345"
"title": "The item(s) you ordered have arrived",
"body": "Your recent order at our office supplies shop is ready to be picked up",
"link": "https://internal.officesupplies/orders/1234"

The payload is an array of objects. The following table describes one of those objects of which you can send up to 50.

Field NameRequiredDescription
userPrincipalName / employeeIdEither userPrincipalName or employeeId must be provided, but not both.
titleyesThe title of the notification.
bodyThe main content of the notification.
linkA URL linking to some place external to ahead