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Do profile updates with Postman

You have been tasked to call the ahead import API to add information to user profiles. Great! Let us trace the necessary steps that you can successfully call the ahead API with a tool like postman.

Getting the API-Key

Doing a profile update in Postman

You will need the correct endpoint URL as well as HTTP Verb, namely PUT. See the following screenshot:

The headers tab in postman

We will first try an update via a JSON array. You need to add a custom header field named x-functions-key. It’s value is the one you copied from the API-Keys-section in ahead. The Content-Type header will be set automatically when you go to the Body-Tab and set it to raw, choosing JSON as the input.

The body tab in postman

The input should adhere to the structure specified under The person update JSON object.

Now you should be ready to send the request by pressing Send!

If all went well, Postman will tell you that the http status code response was 200 and you also got an id back as the response body.

The response status in postman

The import log

When you head back to the same page in ahead where you got the API-Keys you should notice that your import was registered.

The import logs view in ahead

Clicking on the details accesses the log file relevant for the import.

Its content would now look like this:

2023-11-22T15:47:38 - RequestId: 98e51b88-932d-4a33-8e13-58fc39d7faf1
Success - PersonUpdated - '' updated

You should now know the basics of how to call the API.

Additional reading