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Introduction & Background

The relationships between the API, the people profile definition (PPD), the ahead people store (APS) and its result in the user interface

The people profile definition (PPD) is a JSON document that will be prepared in collaboration with ahead’s customer success managers and that describes all the known fields of “people” in ahead’s user interface and how those fields are used throughout the UI.

The ahead people store (APS) is our database that is regularly synchronized with your MS Entra tenant and provides the basis to merge any additional fields into the profile of a person.

Microsoft Entra (previously Azure Active Directory)

ahead’s default values come from Microsoft Entra. Once ahead has been consented to be used with your tenant, it prepares the APS and creates user profiles from those people found in MS Entra.

ahead’s people profile import API

Most of the documentation here deals with how to use the import API. Based on the fields defined in the PPD, customers can use our API to enrich user profiles with additional data.

user fields

Fields marked as having the source User can be entered by the user. The first time a user logs into ahead they will get a notification inviting them to fill our any empty user fields.