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Endpoint description


The API accepts PUTs with the following headers.


The API-Key necessary to authorize the request


Supported content types are


Each part of a multipart request also defines its own content-type. Currently supported are

  • application/json - An update of a profile in the form of a Person update JSON object.
  • application/pdf - A *.pdf document for upload to the personal section of a user

A request may contain up to 50 parts. Each part corresponds to the update of one person or the addition of a file for a person.


Send a JSON array of person update JSON objects. The array may only contain up to 50 objects.


Status Code 200

The complete request has been processed without issues. The body of the response will contain a GUID with which this particular request can be identified in the import logs.

Status Code 400

If there’s any issue with the request at a basic level (e.g. wrong content type), a status code of 400 (Bad request) will be returned. Another possible reason is when all parts of the request failed to be processed.

Status Code 401

A request without API-Key or an unknown API-Key will cause a return of 401. Such calls will not appear in the protocol.

Status Code 413

A request contains more than 50 people updates.

Status Code 422

If there are issues with the data itself, which may only apply to a part of the sent data, a status code of 422 (unprocessable content) will be returned. The body of the response will contain a GUID with which this particular request can be identified such that it can be analyzed which specific update command went wrong.

Typical conditions that would lead to a 422 response are: • A particular JSON object could not be correlated with an existing entry (missing / wrong employeeId field) • A JSON object contains fields that are not known as defined in the People Profile Definition • A field is known, but contains the wrong kind of data